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Variables used in Notifications

All notification connections provide a number of write-only “target” parameters that can be used as the destination in a Protocol Converter rule. The string value passed to the parameter can be inserted into the notification body by using the $VALUE variable inside the body text.

The full list of variables that can be used inside the body is:

  • $PARAMETER - the ID of the target parameter used to trigger the notification
  • $VALUE - the value passed to the target parameter
  • $TIMESTAMP - the current date and time in ISO 8601 format (YYYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS)

If the parameter is updated through a Protocol Converter rule, the following additional variables can be used:

  • $DESCRIPTION - the description of trule
  • $SOURCECONNECTION - the ID of the source connection that triggered trule
  • $SOURCEPARAMETER - the ID of the source parameter that triggered rule
  • $SOURCEVALUE - the value of the source parameter that triggered the rule

The description can contain any of the other variables (other than $DESCRIPITION itself). so when you e.g. enter

The new value is $VALUE.

as the description text of a Protocol Converter rule, the value will be filled in automatically.