BroadcastThings Explore, or BTExplore, is a freeware application based on BTConnect.
The purpose is to help engineers browsing their broadcast equipment and make manual changes to their parameters.
Compared to BTConnect, the following features are not available in BTExplore:
- Protocol Converter
- Outbound APIs (REST API, Ember+ Provider, Virtual Core, MQTT Bridge)
- Notification connections
- Persistent log
Other than that, BTExplore is fully functional, and the configuration and operation is exactly the same as described in this documentation.
Portable Installation
BTExplore is also available as a portable download in ZIP format.
When unzipped outside C:\Program Files
, BTExplore will store it settings
in the same folder as the executable, rather than C:\ProgramData
It can be operated from a USB drive this way, not saving any data on the
local disk.